I was actually curious about that book as well.  My goal from this point 
forward was to write all of my code in CFCs only.  I haven't written a 
CF function yet as I haven't been ready for the transition, but it 
doesn't look like it's going to be that tough.  You might also want to 
check out Hal's occasional newsletter that also has info about CFCs.

Another book I'm debating getting is Design Patterns: Elements of 
Reusable Object-Oriented Software from the "Gang of Four":


I've heard it's good and it's gotten great reviews.


Michel Deloux wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm an intermediate CF developer looking for(late!!!! 'cause CF 5
> version) CFC books to learn how to work with components. Hal Helms
> wrote Discovering CFCs: ColdFusion MX Components. Do you recommend?
> Cheers
> MD

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