> Anyone have any good links for setting up (securely)
> the MS SMTP server for sending CFMail.  I'm setting
> up a dedicated CFMX server and need to set this up
> so I can route CFMail through it - that's all it will
> be used for - with everything on the same machine.

This is so easy you shouldn't need a link:

Open the properties for your virtual SMTP server under the IIS snap-in.
Go to the Access tab.
Click the Connection button.
Select "only the list below" and enter the IP address(es) of your server(s)
that you want to send mail from.
Click OK.
Click the Relay button.
Select "all except the list below" and leave the list blank.  Since your
servers are the only ones that can even connect, this is okay.  You can
limit by IP here as well if you want to.
Click OK.
Click OK.
Point your ColdFusion server at it.
You're done.

If you're doing an extremely high volume of e-mail, you can see better
performance by writing your MSG files directly to the
\inetpub\mailroot\pickup directory instead of using CFMAIL to send them to
the same server via ColdFusion's queue and SMTP.  That cuts out a step and
gets the messages out that much faster.

-Justin Scott

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