On 1/28/06, John Beynon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> what do you class as large scale? users? pages?

I suspect that "enterprise" aka "large scale" CMS can mean a multitude
of things to a multitude of people :)

To me it's the complexity of the project; migration issues, editing
requirements, content types and their relationships and so on.  With
caching technology and clustering what it is today, there are very few
well budgeted sites that really have performance issues.

We work a lot with the FarCry platform, both in the capacity of
building and supporting small to large scale projects.  Its not the be
and end all, and its not going to be the magic bullet for any CMS
environment, however, we've worked with a variety of teams to release
some very complex sites using FarCry in the last year, for example:

Mayo Clinic
Lonelyplanet Worldguide
Bluescope Steel

Mind you the teams involved are miracle workers considering the FarCry
platform is virtually bereft of features...

-- geoff

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