On 1/30/06, Robert Everland III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know there is a place I can put a cfc or a function and the entire box will 
> be able to reference it. Can someone refresh my memory where it is and if it 
> can be a cfc or just a function?

WEB-INF.cftags.component. All components implicitly inherit this
object. However, that being said, putting anything in that CFC has
been discouraged by many across the various mailing lists. What I've
noted some people are doing (Hal Helms comes to mind) is creating
their own BaseComponent CFC that is inherited rather than using the
WEB-INF.cftags.component CFC.

I guess the bigger question is why you feel you need to use the
WEB-INF.cftags.component CFC for your code to begin with? Maybe
there's an alternative approach to what you're trying to solve? Then
again, maybe not! You can search the CFCDev archive for this
discussion, as it has come up a couple times.


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