I'm having trouble displaying a large chunk of text properly. Basically, the
text looks something like:

This is a test <b style="color:red">with</b>
some test that will wrap around the different
lines. I <b style="color:red;text-decoration:none">
want more text here</b>

Essentially, I want to take out all of the HTML tags and redisplay the text.
Problem is that just removing the HTML results in the following being

this is a test with
some text that will wrap around the different
lines. I
more text here.

This doesn't look so hot. How can I get the "some text..." to appear on the
previous line, and also the "more text here" to appear on the previous line.
I'm trying to make this look like seamless text, but right now it looks like
broken chunks with obvious data removed. Ideally, I'd like all the text on 1
line, that I can then wrap later myself.

My initial attemps of removing carriage returns first, stripping HTML, then
re-adding CR's didn't work as the real CR's were lost. Any ideas?


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