I have a cfc in the following setup:


The cfc looks like this:

<cfcomponent displayname="testServices">
        <cffunction access="remote" name="getStatus" returntype="string"
                <cfset returnStatus = "available">
                <cfreturn returnStatus/>

Invocation in index.cfm looks like this:

<cfinvoke component="cfctest.testServices?wsdl" method="getStatus"
<cfdump var="#foo#">


The above setup worked fine last night and hasn't been changed. Now
this morning
I get the following error when invoking with 'cfctest.testServices?wsdl':

        'The system cannot find the file specified'

If I change the invocation to 'cfctest.testServices' I get :

        'Could not find the ColdFusion Component cfctest.testServices'

The weird thing about all this is that when I go directly to:


I get the WSDL printout fine.

Anyone have any ideas what might have made it stop working over night?
As far as I know the server hasn't been updated, rebooted or anything.
Any server settings to check in particular?
Any caching issues that I might have overlooked?

Thanks guys!

Kay Smoljak

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