SQL server i guess? What authentication is the server using - NT
authenication or SQL authentication, that's usually the best place to
start looking.


On 03/02/06, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to connect my local CF instance to a database on another server
> in my network, and I'm having trouble.  Here's what I know.
> On my dev machine, I can successfully set up a System DSN using Win XP's
> admin tools.
> On my dev machine, I can successfully connect to the database using
> Enterprise Mgr.
> On the remote server, I can successfully create a datasource in CF
> Administrator to this database locally.
> On my dev machine, I cannot create a data source in CF Administrator.  It
> times out trying to establish a connection.
> I suspect I may be making a stupid mistake - does anyone spot it?

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