In this issue of ColdFusion conference and training news:
* New Sponsor - CFMX Exam Buster
* Schedule is posted!
* Hotel update - 48% full
* Spring  Conference 2006
* Win a ticket to CFUNITED with our competition.
* Interview with Hal Helms - Celebrity Death Match with Simon Horwith

CFUNITED is the premier ColdFusion Conference near
Washington DC 6/28-7/1/06 (Four whole days!)
Check out speakers and topics at

- Michael Smith
TeraTech, Inc

TeraTech is hiring a senior developer to join our growing team

Conference and training news

* Upcoming classes
CF202 - Web Accessibility and 508 Feb 21 2006
FB101 - Intro to Fusebox        Feb 28 2006
MS01 - Avoiding web disasters   Mar 1 2006
FB201 - Intermediate Fusebox    Mar 7 2006
CF206 - ColdFusion SQL Skills   Mar 14 2006

Cost $59 - $349 see for more
details and registration

* New Sponsor: CFMX ExamBuster
If you would like to become a sponsor, see more information on our 
CFUNITED website.

* Schedule is now posted in PDF.
A new dynamic version is coming soon. This only shows June 28th - 30th 
(Wed - Fri).
We will be doing voting for the most popular sessions to pick the 
Saturday repeats.

* Hotel guest room update. Currently 48% of the rooms have been sold. 
The Bethesda
North Marriot is the host of our event, which is located right at the 
County Conference Center. See for 

* Spring  Conference 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Athens, Ohio

Well, it's that time of year again.  Spring  Conference 2006 is ready to 
rock-n-roll!  The
Southeast Ohio Macromedia User Group (SEOMUG), in partnership with the 
IT Alliance of Appalachian
Ohio (ITAAO), Ohio University and Adobe Systems is proud to present our 
fourth annual conference.
And it's going to be the best yet.  Ed Sullivan, director of User Group 
Relations for Adobe Systems
states, "Spring Break is one of the better user group regional events in 
existence.  The speakers
and sessions are second to none and the conference price is unmatched in 
the industry."

This year's event will be held in the state of the art Walter Hall, on 
the beautiful campus of Ohio
University in Athens, Ohio.

Register Online:

* Win a ticket to CFUNITED with our competition. Answer the questions 
tell us
why should people come to CFUNITED-06 and you could win a free ticket to 
the event

And now our CFUNITED spotlight interview.

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Hal Helms about his 
CFUNITED-06 talk "Celebrity Death
Match". So why should a developer come to your session Hal?

Hal Helms: One reason, Michael: gore and mayhem.

Michael Smith: That's two.

Hal Helms: Huh?

Michael Smith: That's two reasons: (1)gore and (2)mayhem.

Hal Helms: After I finish up Simon, you could be next, pal...

Michael Smith: You and Simon are squaring off on the subject of 
frameworks, right?

Hal Helms: Right. Simon and I have had several "lively" debates on the 
topic and this time, we're
taking our show on the road.

Michael Smith: And you're predicting victory?

Hal Helms: Betting against me would be like betting against the NFL's 
Indianapolis Colts.

Michael Smith: But...they lost.

Hal Helms: What?

Michael Smith: They lost. They're not in the playoffs any longer.

Hal Helms: OK, New England Patriots.

Michael Smith: Also lost.

Hal Helms: Well, it's not about victory, then; it's about framing the 
terms for thinking about
whether you should use a framework or not.

Michael Smith: I'm guessing you're coming down on the side of "yes".

Hal Helms: I am. And my friend, Simon, is arguing that the 
indiscriminate use of frameworks is

Michael Smith: That's what he said? "Dunderheaded"?

Hal Helms: No, but I always wanted to use that term in an interview. You 
know, spoken with a
British accent. In fact, I might do the entire debate in my U.K. 
persona. You know, give the event
some class.

Michael Smith: I see you've lapsed into that while we've been speaking.

Hal Helms: I'm in training, mate. Say, Michael, you're a Brit: what do 
you think? Could I pass for
a native?

Michael Smith: It sounds a bit more like Dick Van Dyke in "Mary Poppins".

Hal Helms: Well, back to the Death Match. I think it's going to be great 
to have a sessions that
airs the benefits and drawbacks of frameworks. And Simon and I are both 
passionate defenders of our

Michael Smith: So it should be informative and fun.

Hal Helms: I think it will be just that.

Michael Smith: Well, thanks, Hal.

Hal Helms: No worries, mate. I'll throw another shrimp on the barbie...

Michael Smith: Good grief...

More interviews will be made available at
CFUNITED-06 is Wed 6/28/06 - Sat 7/1/06 in Bethesda MD, just outside
Washington DC.

Celebrity Death Match
Frameworks--Who Needs Them? Why do some people swear by them while others
swear at them? What's all the fuss about? Hal Helms is the pioneer of the
popular Mach-II and Fusebox frameworks, and Simon Horwith has, after several
outspoken public comments on the subject, managed to become the unofficial
opponent of framework use.

This is a steel cage match.  Audience participation is encouraged, the
fight... err...umm... debate, will be limited to 10 rounds, and there will
be no hitting below the belt (we'll see about that). But remember, at the
end: There Can Be Only One.

Speaker Bio:
Hal Helms is a well-known speaker/writer/strategist on software development
issues. Hal has a monthly column in "ColdFusion Developer's Journal" and has
written and contributed to several books. His latest book is "Discovering
CFCs" available at Hal holds training sessions on
Java, ColdFusion, and software development processes. He is the author of
the popular "Occasional Newsletter" series. For more information, contact
him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or see his website,


* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendence for 4 days (6/28/2006-7/1/2006)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

* The early bird price of $649 for CFUNITED-06 ends 1/31/06.

Price expires            4-day   3-day   Saturday-only
Early Bird   01/31/2006  $649    $549    $249
Timely Bird  03/31/2006  $749    $649    $299
Regular      06/16/2006  $849    $749    $349
Late         06/28/2006  $949    $849    $399
Door         06/29/2006  $1049   $949    $449

Save upto $400 by registering now!

Register today at

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out - email 
or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185  Thanks!

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