> ...there is a DNS record called an MBX record but
> it's seldom used these days - something left over
> from the dark ages of DNS

I believe it was actually MB, defined in RFC 1035 as an experimental type.
There were also MD, MF, MG and MR (some obsolete, some experimental) which
performed various e-mail related functions.  I have not seen any of them in
actual production use in my eight years of Internetting (is that even a

As an aside, I have run DtDNS.com (a DNS hosting service) for the last seven
years, so I keep hard copies of the DNS RFC's handy for reference.

> what about sending a message to the address and then
> checking the undelivered folder for any bounces?

The ColdFusion undeliverable folder should only have messages that were
either the result of your e-mail spooler being unavailable, or your spooler
out-right rejecting the message (invalid user on a local domain, for
instance).  If your spooler is configured properly to accept mail for relay
from ColdFusion, any bounce generated would go to the FROM address in your
CFMAIL tag (or the optional FAILTO attribute on CFMX).  You could check that
mailbox with POP and parse out the results.

I use the Java extension from ActivSoftware myself, which is much easier. (I
posted a link earlier).

-Justin Scott

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