I've got a <cferror> tag in my application.cfm to catch errors and email
me with the error information as well as display some text to the user.
I've noticed lately that I've got a few errors happening where I get an
email and the error diagnostics is something along the lines of :"null
null <br>The error occurred on line 79."  I'm looking at the code and
can't find a problem. I know that in one instance for sure, the person
actually doesn't see an error. Another high-level user of the site is
one of the people generating the errors so I finally asked her if she'd
been seeing errors and she said she hasn't ever had a problem. So,
what's causing me to get an email if the error is empty and nothing is
happening to the user? Any ideas?
John Burns
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
Wyle Laboratories, Inc. | Web Developer

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