On 2/17/06, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm playing with it and will be renaming the HoF Flex list to CF-Flex and
> post what I see there. Hopefully if that list gets moving with CF people
> getting into flex it'll get over the bias that the flex team has towards it
> (loooong inside MM story, but bottom line was that the HoF flex list was
> boycotted)

Not sure what the boycotting is/was about, but the flexcoders mailing
list is high volume and "patrolled" by a lot of Flex engineers. I'd
suggest signing up for that list in the absence of traffic to the
CF-Flex list. Matt Chotin, Manish Jethani, Ely Greenfield, Steven
Webster, Alistair MacLeod and a few other Adobe people are extremely
active on that list as far as helping out with Flex 2.0 issues. I get
more e-mails from that list than I do from cf-talk lately, just to
give you an idea of the volume.

Further, Benoit Hediard has created an application to help the CF-ers
along. Go to the flexcoders archive link below and search for
"Flex/Coldfusion connectivity test app":


You will find that most people on that list of are working with pure
J2EE backends, so that's where you'll get the most help. But they do
help out with the CF-ers who lurk, and the CF-related traffic is
picking up over there lately (since Flex 2.0 finally made it
reasonable to easily work with CFCs...1.5 is/was a tremendous pain in
the backside).

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