Or, you could do it like mxna does and set up a url that the site can
hit when they post something new.  Then use the hourly poll as a

On 3/8/06, Yves Arsenault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Roger,
> Thanks for the reply.
> Yves: Only if you want to be hunted down by a bunch of irritated server
> > admins for abusing their bandwidth. :)
>  As much fun as that sounds... I would say it's likely best I avoid that
> scenario.
> ;-)
> In general, you don't want to poll a given feed more than once an hour. If
> > you must poll more frequently, you should HEAD each feed before doing a full
> > GET... that way you can check the headers to see if anything has changed
> > before requesting a feed full of redundant items.
> >
> Well, I'm gonna give it a shot.... (thanks for the tip)
> Thanks,
> --
> Yves Arsenault
> "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend".
> --Martin Luther King, Jr.

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