I think I understand what you're saying, but I also think
you misunderstand my situation (which I didn't make clear)...

I didn't create this site for the client...he's got an ad on a
third party site and I was trying to track clicks from it.  But
they're got the link set up to open a new browser window
when his ad image is clicked.  I can't place code in the URL, either...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Srinivasa Teja Palla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 10:02 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Tracking cgi.http_referer variables...
> Not sure if I read it properly, btu I think you can look at <img> tag.
> In the src attribute you can actually put a url. like 
> "http://blah/file.php"; 
> in this php file you get the http referrer. in the add you 
> somewhere put this img tag. in file.php, while doing whatever you 
> want, you will put the src as a image of size say 1px by 1px. Did 
> I remotely answer your question or am I rambling off the topic?
> >I'm trying to track the number of hits
> >from a site that a client has an ad on.
> >
> >I have his site stats in a db, but found
> >not hits from that particular http_referer,
> >although I know there should be.
> >
> >I think I tracked the problem to the fact
> >that the ad opens a new browser window
> >and that eliminates the possiblity of
> >tracking the variable.
> >
> >Is there a way around this and still
> >get the http_referer?
> >
> >Rick

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