I seem to try every version of DW as it comes out, but quickly get dizzly 
looking at all the [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the GUI and go right back to HS+.

I have switched over to CFEclipse for after-hour work, which I am really 
starting to like, but currently use HS+ for my 9-5 job. The only reason I still 
use HS+ for work is that I work from home in Jacksonville and all my 
development is in San Diego. I use a cable modem and VPN to access the network 
and rely heavily on RDS, which works very nice in HS+ with VPN. Mapping a drive 
really seems to bog things down and FTP is a pain, as I prefer to develop on 
the development servers instead of my local PC.

Now, once RDS is integrated with CFEclipse... I'll switch over in a heart-beat!


> Not trying to fire off a crazy debate but this seems like a fantastic
> editor... it's got all of the keystore shortcuts I need to be really
> productive. However, this editor is 3 years old. Any reason I should 
> use
> some other tool? Opinions?
> Jon

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