In this issue of ColdFusion conference and training news:

* Fusetalk Forum on CFUNITED!
* CFLive - Ray Camden Thursday 12:30pm EST via breeze
* Only 16 days left on timely bird price - ends 3/31/06
* Interview with Raymond Camden - Introduction to ColdFusion Components

CFUNITED is the premier ColdFusion Conference near
Washington DC 6/28-7/1/06 (Four whole days!)
Check out speakers and topics at

- Michael Smith
TeraTech, Inc

    "[CFUNITED] is, by far, the single best conference for ColdFusion 
    and JRun/ColdFusion server Administrators. Not only do you get to 
meet and
    greet all of the top names in the field, you get to see where 
    stands today, and see where it is going tomorrow."
    - Damon G. (previous year Attendee)

Have 3 years of CF and love helping other developers?

Conference and training news

* Upcoming TeraTech classes
Cost $59 - $349 see for more details 
and registration

CF101 - Welcome to ColdFusion   May 2 2006
CF102 - Intro to ColdFusion     May 9 2006
CF201 - Intermediate ColdFusion May 16 2006
FB101 - Intro to Fusebox        May 23 2006
FB201 - Intermediate Fusebox    Jun 6 2006

* Pre-conference classes
Cost $449 see for more details and 
Register before March 31st and enter to win a free memory stick! 
Location: Bethesda North Marriott
and Conference Center

CU210 Leader of the Pack (strategies for building better software) - 
Simon Horwith - Monday 6/26
CU211 Fundamentals of Relational Database - Kurtis D. Leatham - Monday 6/26
CU212 ColdFusion Server Administration: JRun J2EE Deployment - Adam 
Wayne Lehman - Monday 6/26
CU213 Testing ColdFusion - John Paul Ashenfelter - Monday 6/26

CU214 Ajax intensive for ColdFusion Developers - Rob Gonda - Tuesday 6/27
CU215 XML, XPath, and XSLT for ColdFusion Developers - Jeff Peters - 
Tuesday 6/27
CU216 Domain Modeling - Hal Helms - Tuesday 6/27
CU217 Beyond Basic SQL for CF - Nate Nelson - Tuesday 6/27

* Fusetalk Forum now on CFUNITED! Start talking to other register 
conference attendees today.
If you are registered as an attendee, login into
-- Our Common Interest page is coming soon too!

* Over 300 people are already registered for CFUNITED-06 and the main 
hotel is full!
   (That is more people than the same time last year).

* We have an over flow hotel: Bethesda Marriott (Located about 1.5 miles 
from the conference
center - there will be a shuttle to the conference center all day)
5151 Pooks Hill Road Bethesda MD 20814
To make reservations call: 1.800.228.9290
Use the group code: CFU
See for more details.

Hear CFUNITED speakers from your office via breeze talks every Thursday 
12:30pm - 1pm EST. Learn
new tips and ask questions live.

Ray Camden on Intro to CFCs and Verity Searching Secrets
Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 12:30 PM US/Eastern
To sign up for this week's talk go to:

Future talks
3/23/06 Hal Helms Duck Typing in CFCs, Practical Design Patterns, 
Variables and Conditions,
Celebrity Death Match
3/30/06 Jeremy Kadlec SQL Server tips
4/6/06 Sean Corfield Managing CFCs with Factories, Objects and Persistence
4/13/06 John Paul Ashenfelter Agile Programming
4/20/06 Simeon Bateman CFEclipse
5/4/06 Steve Ritler Farcry CMS
5/11/06 Maxim Porges Secrets of Top Notch Teams

* Only 3 months until CFUNITED (103 days).

* Only 16 days left on timely bird price - ends Friday 3/31/06

* Can't afford to come for 4 days? Or can't take time off work during the
   week? Come to our Saturday only CFUNITED event.

* Full time students and umemployed programmers substantial discounts 
available - email liz (at) for your discount code.

And now our CFUNITED spotlight interview.

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Raymond Camden about his 
talk "Introduction to ColdFusion Components". So why should a developer 
come to your session

Raymond Camden: ColdFusion Components are really the main way a 
developer can take his or her code
to the "next level" of development. In this extended session I will 
cover both the syntax as well
as show numerous examples and suggestions for using CFCs.

MS: How will my code be better if I use CFCs?

RC: Beginning developers tend to rebuild code they have used before. 
They do this because their
earlier code wasn't properly abstracted, so it's not reusable. CFCs are 
one way within ColdFusion
to reuse code.

MS: What do you mean by "abstracted" - that sounds complex!

RC: It really isn't. Here is a simple example. The total value of a 
shopping cart is each line
items unit price times the quantity. That is one simple business rule. 
However - you use this logic
in multiple places on your site. You "abstract" it by simply packaging 
it up into one file. Then
every place that needs this logic calls that file. Let's then say that 
on Mondays you want a 10%
deduction applied to the total. If you modify that one file, every place 
that uses it will see the
new logic.

MS: So are CFC hard to learn?

RC: Like most things in ColdFusion, they are easy. Using them right 
though takes a bit of time.
Once you learn the basic syntax, there is a lot of thinking that needs 
to take place on how to
organize them.

MS: What tags do I need to use to write a basic CFC?

RC: There are a few tags involved: CFCOMPONENT, CFFUNCTION, CFPROPERTY, 

MS: Is there anything people need to know before they come to your talk?

RC: Nope!

MS: Will you have any code sample or demos in your talk?

RC: Heck yes. I'm a big believer in code examples.

MS: Cool - see you at CFUNITED!

You can see more interviews at
CFUNITED-06 is Wed 6/28/06 - Sat 7/1/06 in Bethesda MD, just outside 
Washington DC.
It costs $649 until 1/31/06 then $749. For more information on CFUNITED see

Introduction to ColdFusion Components
This three hour session will delve into the basics of building 
ColdFusion Components (CFCs) as well
as discuss various methods of CFC development. We will have many 
examples that you can take home
with you to help you start building your first site with CFCs!

Speaker Bio:
Raymond Camden is the Director of Development for Mindseye, Inc. A long 
time ColdFusion user,
Raymond is a member of Team Macromedia and one of the managers of the 
Acadiana MMUG. Raymond is a
co-author of the Mastering ColdFusion series published by Sybex Inc, the 
ColdFusion MX Developer's
Handbook, and a co-author to the "ColdFusion Web Application 
Construction Kit". He also presents at
numerous conferences and contributes to online webzines. He is a 
contributor and technical editor
of the ColdFusion Developer's Journal. He and Rob Brooks-Bilson created 
and run the Common Function
Library Project, an open source repository of ColdFusion UDFs. You can 
reach him at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Raymond’s blog is at


* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden, Ben Forta and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendence for 4 days (6/28/2006-7/1/2006)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

* The early bird price of $649 for CFUNITED-06 ends 1/31/06.

Price expires            4-day   3-day   Saturday-only
Early Bird   01/31/2006  $649    $549    $249
Timely Bird  03/31/2006  $749    $649    $299
Regular      06/16/2006  $849    $749    $349
Late         06/28/2006  $949    $849    $399
Door         06/29/2006  $1049   $949    $449

Save up to $400 by registering now!

Register today at

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out - email 
or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185  Thanks!

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