Okay, realize the need for CVS in our setup.  Installed and configured
CVSNT on our dev server; installed the clients.  Can connect to the
CVSROOT/server no problems.  Even got the Dreamweaver extension that
allows you to do CVS work from within Dreamweaver...so cool.  I am
stoked, things are going too easy, I know it....

So of course I get stuck.  I am wondering if anyone here has any
experience in putting together the CVS server on a dev server...I have
about 4 or 5 best practice questions such as where files are stored...in
the webroot, or is CVS stuff stored separately....etc

Please let me know if you don't mind a few probably easy and newb


Eric J. Hoffman
Managing Partner
2081 Industrial Blvd
www: http://www.ejhassociates.com
tel: 651.717.4105
fax: 651.717.4115
mob: 651.245.2717


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