We just ended up working with Seapine, but that comes at a cost, and
with that cost pretty awesome support.   But we went that way because we
also wanted an integrated defect system and a Quality Assurance system
with automated regression testing.  Additionally, we were completely
green in this area having only used DW8 and check in/out previously.  We
needed a little handholding and training.  

We worked with both CVSNT and Subversion before we made our choices.
Both are good for simple version control and all the fun that goes with
such systems.  Subversion is meant to replace CVS with more robust
features, but that tech is not as mature as the CVS. 

Almost all of the systems we saw had plugins to work natively in DW8 or
CFEclipse.  So its all about preferences.


Eric J. Hoffman
Managing Partner
2081 Industrial Blvd
www: http://www.ejhassociates.com
tel: 651.717.4105
fax: 651.717.4115
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-----Original Message-----

From: Michel Deloux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 11:09 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Version control - how to?

Does anybody have any suggestions for somebody who's never used any
source control? We use DW8 as our primary IDE, CF 6.1 in dev/prod
Subversion is a good application? Works in WindowsXP and CF/IIS(without
Apache) with application server? Any example with this settings?



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