I believe this was talked about a couple of months back and some people
suggested using a method of selecting not only max rows but to find do a
hack to get the start row by using the IN keyword to somehow filter out
the ones for the pages you're already past. That would do it on the DB
side instead of passing the whole dataset to CF and then using the
startrow and maxrows attributes of CF. May want to search the archives. 

John Burns
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
Wyle Laboratories, Inc. | Web Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Michaels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 1:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: DB Pagination Question

Jim Curran wrote:

>what is the most efficient way to paginate through the results, without

>hogging memory or re-running the entire query for each page view?
Unfortunately, I believe those are your only two options. You either
cache the query into resident memory (memory hog) or you run the query
at each request.

You can do little things like adding the "MaxRows" attribute to your
query (which will lessen the amount of memory used per query), or using
views instead of joins (to improve query speed), but I know of no other
way to  accomplish what you're trying to do then with query caching or a
query on every page.


Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies
Blue Dragon Alliance Member

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