Well Isaac as I keep saying, everyone is entitled to an opinion. And mine is
that your the one who will be left fishing for scraps, because I can't see
many companies giving a job to someone like you who is so arrogant and
living with his head up his own ass and thinks everyone is below him.  Most
big companie shave their own set of standards, and refusing to adhere by
them and telling your employers they are stupid idiots for not agreeing with
you really wont do u any favours.
A solid understanding of life and people and how to get on with them is
required in the real world, something you appear to lack.
Your probably to be one of those bedroom coders who can't get on with anyone
or anything so just keeps to himself and locks himself in a dark room where
he doesn't have to meet people and risk getting beaten up cozz you cannot
help but insult them.

I feel sorry for you really.


-----Original Message-----
From: S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 20:50:31 -0400
Subject: RE: Newbie Model Glue Questions

> Sure, there are lots of people who are doing well in that niche today, 
> and there will be tomorrow, but there are fewer of them every year. We 
> work in an environment of planned obsolescence -- we create new 
> things, knowing very well that they will be supplanted in years to 
> come. This is the nature of programming. A good developer needs to be 
> constantly becoming, otherwise you have to face the fact that if you 
> don't continue to learn, your skill is gradually devalued by simple 
> economics and your niche disappears. I struggle with this myself 
> actually, because it's the one thing I really dislike about 
> programming work, the knowledge that what I do today will be basically 
> irrelevant in a few years time, as compared to the works of 
> philosophers and artists which are as valuable today as they were 
> hundreds or thousands of years ago. I would like to think that the 
> "work of my hand" would have lasting meaning, but I have to accept 
> that programming work is not, no matter how innovative or productive 
> it may be.

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