On 4/17/06, Anthony Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks, I am wondering of anyone in the community has experienced this 
> issue.
> I have an application that runs a query on our MySQL database and prints out 
> a PDF.
> The user clicks a link the runs this cfm page which then generates this PDF. 
> We are on
> a shared host. Every few months (2-3), we get errors and cannot generate PDFs 
> anymore
> -- so a call to the host and they restart the CF server and then all is well 
> again, PDFs are
> generated no problem. Is there anything I can do to prevent this?

Funnily enough, after weeks of developing reports on our test server
with no issues, I've had this happen twice this morning (CFMX7 and
cfreport, with SQL Server not MySQL). Dunno what caused it though.

Kay Smoljak

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