
This was close, but acts strange. I can do the following:
#myObject.getFirstName()# --- outputs correctly.
<cfset getter = "FirstName" />
<cfset doMethod = myObject["get" & getter] />
 <cfset myFN = doMethod() /> --- throws error

The error thrown by the doMethod() line is coming from the Object CFC. It
says it that variables.FirstName is not defined, which is what the getter is
getting. It is as though it doesn't recognize it as the same object.

Massimo - I don't use cfinvoke much as I'm usually within a cfscript block.
However I'm not against trying it. How does cfinvoke refer to an object
instance. In my sample code I'm using myObject as that is a reference to an
already instantiated object (actually it is an object passed to the function
of another object).

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