the most I can think of is to evaluate the value right at the function

objA.onclick = eval ('function(){ alert( ' + intI + ' ); };');

On 4/20/06, Ben Nadel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not really for CF, but though someone here could lend some insight....
> There is one problem in Javascript that I cannot seem to get a handle on
> and
> it is killling me! I can't seem to get variables to pass by value as I
> would
> hope. Take the following example:
> for (var intI = 0 ; intI < 10 ; intI++){
> var objA = document.createElement( "div" );
> // Set the click for the link.
> objA.onclick = function(){ alert( intI ); };
> // Set the link into the body div.
> objDiv.appendChild( objA );
> }
> Now, in my head, each one of those links, when clicked should alert the
> appropriate intI value (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.); however, each of them will
> alert
> 10 which is the value that broke the FOR loop. It's like they all point to
> one variable and then get updated for each loop of the FOR iteration.
> I can't seem to find a good solution to this. One method that seems to
> work,
> but is poop is something along the lines of:
> // Define a function INSIDE this function.
> function GetI( intX ){
> return(
> function(){ alert(intX); };
> );
> }
> for (var intI = 0 ; intI < 10 ; intI++){
> var objA = document.createElement( "div" );
> // Set the click for the link.
> objA.onclick = GetI( intX );
> // Set the link into the body div.
> objDiv.appendChild( objA );
> }
> This method works as would be expected, though I seem to think that it is
> doing the exact same thing. It must be something to do with the scoping.
> Since the intI value is getting passed to a local scope (int GetI()), and
> then getting passed back, it must be unique (since the local scope of the
> GetI() method is created unique of each FOR iteration.
> This solution seems truly ganky to me. There has to be a better way. And
> this is just a simple example. I have many places where I want to be doing
> this with object reference and dynamic event handling. This one simple
> bumb
> is really holding me back!
> Please help!!!
> .......................
> Ben Nadel

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