
Depending on what the stored proc does, there are a number of things you
could do.

Probably the best way to keep it in the reactor framework, is to find the
generated gateway, record, or whatever, and add a method right there.

For instance, if you have a stored procedure that creates an order, you
would go to your mapping folder (defined in your reactor xml config file),
open the record folder and find the one for your order table (or whatever is
similar. If you don't have a sub record yet, make a page that create's it (
reactorFactory.createRecord('order')). Open it up and add a cffunction just
like normal (for example, name it SPCreateOrder) that uses
#_getConfig().getDSN()# as the datasource. Back in your app, you can then
call: reactorFactory.createRecord('order').SPCreateOrder(arguments...).

I'm probably being overly-long-winded, but hopefully it's better than saying
rtfm :)

-nathan strutz

On 6/3/06, David Strong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the best practice/method for integrating sql stored procedures
> within  a reactor/MG framework?

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