Ony form fields, not the form name, get passed in with the form variables.
Change your if statement to the following:

<cfif structKeyExists(form,'county')>

That should fix it.


On 6/7/06, Daniel Kessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <!--- the below form submits using the following js --->
> function county_nav(the_loc){
>         document.county_form.action=String(the_loc);
>         document.county_form.submit();
> }
> <!--- end js --->
> <cfset the_page = listlast(cgi.SCRIPT_NAME,"/")>
> <form name="county_form" action="some_value" method="post"
> enctype="multipart/form-data">
>            <cfoutput><select name="county"
> onchange="javascript:county_nav('#the_page#?county='+this.value)"></
> cfoutput>
>                        <option value=" ">&nbsp;</option>
>                        <cfoutput query="counties">
>                         <option value="#county#">#county#</option>
>                         </cfoutput>
>                </select>
> </form>
> <!--- after a form submit, I output the following and it outputs
> correctly --->
> <cfoutput>form:#form.county#</cfoutput>
> <cfif structKeyExists(form,'county_form')>
>         <!--- after a form submit, I output the following and it DOES NOT
> output at all --->
>            county:#form.county#
>         <!--- cut lotsa other code --->
> </cfif>
> What am I doing wrong?
> _____________________________
> Daniel Kessler
> College of Health and Human Performance
> University of Maryland
> Suite 2387 Valley Drive
> College Park, MD  20742-2611
> Phone: 301-405-2545
> http://hhp.umd.edu

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