In this issue of ColdFusion conference and training news:
* Registrations packages are arriving to attendees.
* Bridging the Gap between Marketing and IT professionals
* Current Prices expire 6/16/06
* CFLive - Thursday 12:30pm - Rob Gonda on Ajax
* Breeze Talks- Download via Podcast!
* Interview with Michael Dinowitz on Error handling in CF

it is posted! Subscribe to
our blog today! RSS feed or email.

CFUNITED is the premier ColdFusion Conference near
Washington DC 6/28-7/1/06 (Four whole days!)
Check out speakers and topics at

- Michael Smith
TeraTech, Inc

"CFUNITED is a great way to not only network with fellow ColdFusion 
afficianados, but also to learn
new techniques and methods to help your career or business. You also can 
get inside scooops on
developments in ColdFusion and learn best practices and much more."
-Angela T., Conference Alumni

Conference and training news

* Upcoming TeraTech classes
Cost $349 see for more details and 

CF209 - Upgrade to CFMX 7       Jun 13 2006
FB101 - Intro to Fusebox        Sep 12 2006
FB201 - Intermediate Fusebox    Sep 19 2006
CF102 - Intro to ColdFusion     Sep 26 2006
CF201 - Intermediate ColdFusion Oct 10 2006
CS201H - CSS hands on           TBA

* Pre-conference classes
Cost $449 see for more details and 
Location: Bethesda North Marriott and Conference Center

* Registration packages will be arriving to attendees soon. Enclosed 
will be a receipt, name badge,
t-shirt, and conference instructions. We've mailed about half the 
packages last week until now. Keep
your package in a safe place and bring the name badge with you to the 
event. It will help you check-
in faster. If you do not get your package in the mail, you can still 
check-in at the conference and
we can issue you a new badge.

* Have you ever noticed that the marketing department and IT department 
seem to speak different
languages? Would you like to receive the tools that can help your 
business roll out a successful
software project from start to finish?
Bridging the Gap between Marketing and IT professionals, June 29th

* Prices for registration expire 6/16/06, currently 4 day package $849 
and 3 day package $749
After that, the late price is $949 for the 4 day package and $849 for 
the 3 day package
See list of all prices

* 59% of our Pre-Conference Classes are full. Be sure to reserve your 
seat today!

* 706 people are already registered for CFUNITED-06! Don't miss out on 
your laptop bag
(only the first 750 get one).

Hear CFUNITED speakers from your office via breeze talks every Thursday 
12:30pm - 1pm EST. Learn
new tips and ask questions live. See past talks or
download via Podcast

CFLive! Rob Gonda CLASS Ajax intensive for ColdFusion Developers
Thursday, June 8, 12:30 PM US/Eastern

Future talks:
6/15/06 Doug Ward Fundamentals of Good Usability

* Only 3 more weeks until CFUNITED (19 days).

* Can't afford to come for 4 days? Or can't take time off work during the
   week? Come to our Saturday only CFUNITED event. Or watch via web 
video after the event.

* We still have opportunites for sponsorship available to companies.

And now our CFUNITED spotlight interview.
Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Michael Dinowitz about his 
talk "Error handling in CF". So why should a developer come to your 
session Michael ?

Michael Dinowitz: They shouldn't.

MS: Huh?!?

MD: Lets be honest here. After all these years of ColdFusion, after all 
these years of CFUnited and
CFun before it, people are experienced coders and make no errors. If 
they come to my presentation,
I'm not only going to shatter their confidence in their superior coding 
skills but also their world
view and probably make them paranoid. If they're lucky.

MS: Shatter their world view? Make them paranoid? What can ever be that bad?

MD: On the first hand, the world and the people in it suck. When someone 
writes their perfect code,
they expect it to work because it is perfect. They don't expect people 
to come along and be stupid.
They don't expect people to come along and be malicious. They don't even 
expect bots and search
engines to be 'evil'. The problem is, all of these things happen and 
more. The deeper I go into
what people can do, how to deal with it and what you can't deal with, 
the more the attendees will
be frazzled. But it gets worse.

MS: Worse? Is this what will make them paranoid?

MD: Yep. One thing that people don't realize about their code is that it 
is alive. Not only is it
alive, it hates you. It'll wait till you need it to run perfectly and 
crash at a critical moment.
It'll string you along and 'look' perfect but once your boss is 
watching, it'll go straight to
hell. And not only does your code hate you, God has stacked the deck 
against you.

MS: God? Mike, your getting a bit strange here.

MD: Strange? I'm just getting started. There's an angel that we all 
know. An Angel who's job is to
confound us. An Angel who supports the hate that your code has for you. 
The Angel's name? Murphy!
There are entire realms of errors that can happen that exist outside 
your code that you have to
worry and trap for. There are things that can go wrong that you have 
little or no control over. All
of these things have to be worried about on top of everything else. By 
the time someone is done
with my presentation, they will either know that their code is so super 
superior that they should
have gotten a beer instead or they will be so overwhelmed at what can go 
wrong that they'll have to
go get a LOT of beer.

MS: It sounds very bleak. Is there at least going to be something beyond 
making people worry?

MD: Sure. Prozac. :)
Actually, the entire presentation is going to examine all the things 
that can go wrong, where it
actually goes wrong and how to deal with it. It'll talk about handling 
errors before they become
errors, how to handle errors without stopping the user experience and 
how to keep the admin in the
loop when an error comes up. Error handling on a site wide level, error 
handling in gateways (which
is totally separate from any sitewide error handling), error handling on 
an application, directory
and page based level and more. I'll make people paranoid but I'll also 
tell them how to get a hold
of their paranoia. They should be paranoid.

The definition of paranoid is the irrational fear that someone is out to 
get you. The definition of
a good programmer is someone with the irrational knowledge that their 
code is out to get them. :)

MS: Hmm I think I better come to your talk at CFUNITED!

CFUNITED-06 is Wed 6/28/06 - Sat 7/1/06 in Bethesda MD, just outside 
Washington DC.
For more information on CFUNITED see

Error handling in CF
Understanding and handing errors in CF from basic pages to advanced 
gateways. This presentation
also gives error alert codes and best practices.

Speaker Bio:
Michael Dinowitz has been programming in ColdFusion since early 1995 and 
it doesn't look like he's
stopping any time soon. His accomplishments include: President and Head 
of RT&T (Research, Training
& TroubleShooting) at House of Fusion, a ColdFusion consulting shop; 
Hosting the high volume CF-
Talk list (as well as others) out of House of Fusion 
(; Publishing Fusion
Authority, the House of Fusion Technical Magazine 
(; and many more
activities that strengthen and advance the ColdFusion community.

* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden, Ben Forta and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendence for 4 days (6/28/2006-7/1/2006)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

* The price is $849 for all four days of CFUNITED-06

Price expires            4-day   3-day   Saturday-only
Early Bird   01/31/2006  $649    $549    $249
Timely Bird  03/31/2006  $749    $649    $299
Regular      06/16/2006  $849    $749    $349
Late         06/28/2006  $949    $849    $399
Door         06/29/2006  $1049   $949    $449

Be one of the first 750 registrations and you will get the Awesome 
Laptop Bookbag instead of the
average tote.

Register today at

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out - email 
or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185  Thanks!

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