We're using the CF Standard version and trying to connect to an Oracle Database 
(and actually use it in a meaningful way).  What we've discovered is this is 
pretty much down-right silly if you want to use stored procs.

In order to see if we can fix the problems I downloaded the DataDirect drivers 
(which appear to be THE way to connect to Oracle).  Drivers are installed, I 
can test the connection using the tool that comes wtih them, and you'd think 
everything would work... but NO, I get a timeout error everytime I try to 
connect to my database.  I'm assuming that the problem is my connection string 
since it's obviously finding the driver, but I can't figure it out.

Has anyone else out there done this?  I'm going to call Adobe in the morning, 
but I thought maybe someone could just toss me the answer.

Connection Information I'm using:
Driver Class: com.ddtek.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver
URL: jdbc:datadirect:oracle://ASG2KDEVODB01:1521;ServiceName=DBKDEV1

CF Class Path:

I had to configure it as a type "Other" since the Data Direct drivers don't 
come wtih standard.  Any help at all would be appreciated.

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