But can I do that automatically after the file read script runs?  I 
should mention that the file read script still needs to run.

Depending on the date(s) that are in the CSV, data from that date that 
already exists in the database needs to be deleted.

Not sure if I'm being clear here, but I think I'm getting somewhat 
closer to what I need to do. Just not sure how to run DTS without using 
Enterprise Manager.  This is an automated script.

Ken Ferguson wrote:
> DTS. You need to save the file and run a DTS package to load the data. 
> That's the best way to do it in SQL Server.
> *****************
> Ken Ferguson
> 214.636.6126
> *****************
> Crow T. Robot wrote:
>> Well, there's a good point I didn't even think about.  And yes, there is 
>> an auto-increment PK in the table.
>> Josh Nathanson wrote:
>>> Off the top of my head I'd say no, because inserting more than one row at a 
>>> time would mess up any auto-incrementing...however maybe someone has some 
>>> fancy way to do it if you don't have an auto-increment field set up.
>>> -- Josh
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Crow T. Robot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 12:35 PM
>>> Subject: appending two queries
>>>> Let's say that I have a CSV file that I am reading into a page, and I
>>>> convert it to a query.  I have a database table that it set up exactly
>>>> like the converted query, I want to basically insert the CSV data into
>>>> the database.  Is there an easier, more efficient way to do this that
>>>> looping over the CSV query and doing an insert for each record?
>>>> SQL Server 2K, CFMX6.1

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