100 developers working on a CF project?  What the heck was the project?

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 8:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Good blog post on the frameworks debate


>From the blog:

"Near the end of this mock trial, Simon made a point that set me free of the 
conflict of the debate. He related an account of a project he had worked on in 
England some time in the past in which he had 100 developers under him. He 
shared how it was that this large team had tried using Mach II, tried using 
Fusebox, and in both instances found those frameworks wanting. Then he showed 
them his own 'methodology', which they readily adopted and used to successfully 
complete the project. Simon's point was that he and his team had accomplished a 
large task, and didn't need to use a framework in the process. But between 
Simon's words lay the whole truth of this matter, the truth that finally freed 
me from the points and counterpoints that were tugging my intellect in both 
directions. This truth, folks, is this: Any application that actually works 
uses a framework. Simon likes to call his framework his 'methodology', 
resisting the urge to give it any kind of formal name or documentat!
 ion, and thus disguising it in obscurity and vagueness. Nevertheless, it is 
indeed a framework. So folks, this whole debate is bogus, the opposition's 
stance is vapor, and in reality is a one sided debate with the answer to the 
question of the validity of frameworks already woven into the very fabric of 
both sides of the argument. The answer, my fellow CF coders, to the question of 
whether or not using frameworks is a good thing, is an unequivocable "YES". You 
need frameworks, and whether you roll your own or adopt a community standard, 
there is no way to avoid them...logic will not permit it. "


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