
I tried to find the answer to this question in the archives but didn't have
much luck.  My apologies if this has been addressed before.  I am trying to
use a function within a COM object I wrote in C++ which is expecting two
arrays of floats and one variable of type long.

I noticed in some previous posts that you can only pass strings using
CFOBJECT.  (Although I did find a Ben Forta article discussing CFOBJECT
which seems to claim otherwise:

My function declaration in C is:

        Corr(float x[1], float y[1], unsigned long n, float *r, float *prob, float

my call to the COM object is:

        <CFOBJECT TYPE="COM" NAME="Correlation" CLASS="Correlation.Corr"
        <CFSET Correlation.Corr(#attributes.x#, #attributes.y#, #attributes.n#)>

my current error is:

        Arguments expected by object does not match arguments specified in the tag.
        Error building an argument list for: CORR

(Which seems to support the assertion that you can only pass Strings).  Does
anyone know of a work around for passing something other than strings to COM
objects?  Should I just call the COM object in ASP instead?

This is a standalone COM object, it isn't linked to anything else and I am
running Cold Fusion server 4 on Windows 2000 with IIS.

Thanks for your help!

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