I've checked resources at these sites:

By "better HTML wrapper" do you mean change the way I'm calling the
object, e.g., object, vs. embed? Since I am calling a CFReport tag, I
don't have control over how that is returned. I'm unsure how I could
call it from JS, as suggested on both Adobe and Microsoft, since it is
server-side object creation.

I do see that CF7.0.2 supposedly fixes the issue, and that there is a
7.0.1 hotfix that addresses it. However, because of config control
here, I am not free to implement these updates/hotfixes. (Believe me,
I'm asking for 7.0.2)

Are there other CF solutions out there that I'm just not finding?
Please elaborate.


> You just need to use a better HTML wrapper.
> There are CFML and JavaScript solutions out there, depending on what you want.

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