Your problem is that your SQL server basically stores a query map of the
original query. Even though you pass it * when it actually runs the
query it has to map out which queries that actually is. The next time
you call it, it runs based on the last map. It's usually a good practice
to stay away form * for several reasons. One is just readability for
other developers who see your queries. Another is that there's no sense
in grabbing data you don't need. Another is what you've pointed out.
This is a known "issue" with SQL server and the only way to make it
refresh the map is to restart the SQL service as far as I know.  I'd
recommend staying away from the * if you can.

John Burns

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Shaub [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Select * in a view needs "recompiled"

Using MS SQL Server, I have a view that pulls a table with a "*".  I
added a column to that table, and the view's data did not reflect the
new column right away.  In Query Analyzer, if I ran the view after
adding the column from right-click "Open View", the new column wasn't
there.  If I went into design mode and clicked the "!", the new column
was there.  So in design mode, I added a space and deleted it in the SQL
then saved the view.  Now I can see the new column from right-click
"Open View".  I'm a bit let down the * isn't as dynamic as it seems.

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