Hi Rick,

I use this in a print style sheet:
#pagefeed { page-break-after: always

and call it at the end of a page with:
<div = "pagefeed"></div>

There is a good CSS reference here:

You can add separate style sheets to a page for each medium, for example:

<link href="screen.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css">
<LINK REL=stylesheet MEDIA="aural" HREF="aural.css" TYPE="text/css">
<LINK REL=stylesheet MEDIA="print" HREF="print.css" TYPE="text/css">

This can be really useful when you don't want parts of a page to print, such as 


-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Nathanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 August 2006 21:39
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Printing issues

You can do a page break with css:

<span style="page-break-before: always;"></span>

Put that where you want a page break to go.  I think that will work across 
browsers.  Of course, if the page is dynamically generated you'll need to 
take that into account.

-- Josh

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick Root" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:14 PM
Subject: OT: Printing issues

> Okay, another off topic.
> I'm not one for printing out HTML documents, so I don't know if this is
> normal or not.
> This page:
> https://www.cfr.duke.edu/DukeFacultyandStaffSeekingFoundationFunding.cfm
> (I didn't make that file name, don't blame me!)
> When I print it (and it shows up in print preview too), a line at the
> bottm of the second page actually gets cut off and the rest of it prints
> on the third page.  I don't mean some of the words, I mean the top half
> of each letter appears at the end of page 2, and the bottom half of each
> letter appears on the bottom of page 3.
> I thought browsers were smart enough to *NOT* do this kind of thing.
> It's even worse in Firefox.  Firefox doesn't even have the sense to
> print multiple pages.  It just trails off the bottom and doesn't bother
> printing the second or third pages.
> Rick

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