To be honest, it was all handled well (other than the redundancy).

After talking to the support staff, it appears both the feed-squirrel web
and db servers weren't in the effected building, but a bit of network
wizardry that the site is dependent on was toasted by the outage, which is
kinda typical for me.

Anyways, we're now all back.


On 8/17/06, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I for one am pretty impressed with how quickly they've got a major
> repair done, and how they have kept customers in the picture through
> that page, and the photos.
> I think there are issues relating to redundancy and multiple
> connections etc that need to be addressed, but given a big chunk of
> thier business suddenly went dark, I thought their damage control and
> reaction to the problem was pretty cool.
> Long time internet users in Australia might remember the time years
> ago when there were two internet connections across the Pacific where
> most of the traffic from Australia went.  And a trawler dug up the
> cable out of Melbourne.
> Telstra, who at the time owned all the internet connections out of
> Australia, tried to pretend nothing was wrong for days, even though
> anyone using the internet knew that even their slow modems were
> suddenly struggling to keep up with crippled snails.  Telstra
> maintained for days and days that nothing was wrong, even when there
> were newspaper reports that one of the two main undersea cables had
> been broken.
> I suppose Telstra figured they could get away with fixing it quickly
> and quietly and no one woudl know any better.
> I think HMS have shown a far better attitude, and would get much more
> tolerance and cooperation from their customers as a result.
> Disclaimer:  i have nothing to do with HMS, apart from having one of
> my clients hosted there - in fact I'm a competitor in a minor part of
> my business.
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
> On 8/17/06, Dave Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think they need to be given some "thanks" because it was one of the
> worst things that could happen to them and per usual they did a helluva job
> in not only getting it fixed but also keeping their customers informed of
> what was going on, not only in the slideshow but just the simple page that
> was updated as things happened. I have yet to see if any host be able to
> handle a situation like host my site did today. If it was ct they'd still be
> trying to figure out why there was no internet.
> >
> > However, sites are supposed to rollover to other data center if/when a
> issue arises and that didnt happen and I will find out why but still im
> happy they are back up and going, i was so glad to get back into my mail and
> see I didnt miss my chance to "be hung like the big boys at the club.."
> >
> >

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