Andy Matthews wrote:
> I'm building an admin section for a client to manage inventory of his
> products. The products are higher-end so he'd like to have up to 10 photos
> for each item. I will need to create multiple sizes of each picture using
> Rick Root's Image.cfc.
> What might be the best way to work with anywhere from 1 to 10 images
> uploaded at once? Would it be better to use some other sort of interface?
> My thought would be to create a single upload field, then loop over it 10
> times. Then perform the same on the upload portion of the page. The only
> problem I can see with that is that he'd also like to keep the original
> image as the "largest" size. That means that there could potentially be
> anywhere from 3 or 4 megs to 10 megs uploaded at once.
> What are your thoughts on this?

I've done this a few different ways, and it works best different ways 
for different clients, depending on how they manage their 
inventory...but I'll throw out a few ideas...

-FTP the photos into a temp directory, and then present them with an 
admin page that shows thumbnails and allows them to assign them to a 
piece of inventory
-If they have inventory or some kind of reference numbers already 
assigned, it may be easier for them to just use a naming convention with 
the images on their local machine, FTP them up, and them batch import them.
-I've tried to shy away from uploading more than about 5 photos at a 
time through HTTP, especially if you are going to be doing the resizing 
in the same process...most of the time with something like this, I've 
given them an interface to review their photos with the ability to 
upload a single photo at a time...when it is uploaded it refreshes 
showing the thumbnail of the newly uploaded photo along with the other 
photos associated with the record.  The feedback they get from this 
process seems to work better than having them wait for a unknown amount 
of time when uploading multiple photos.
-And although the client wants the "original" size, I would try to work 
out with him a "large" size to output.  If he's uploading some 2000+ 
pixel wide photo, it probably doesn't do much good to have that as the 
largest probably want it limited to something like 600 or 
800 pixels wide.  Even if he really does want the original, I would 
still "resize" it just to apply some compression.

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