Blobs are for images and alike, you will need a clob for text.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Nicholas
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Fri Aug 25 21:04:13 2006
Subject: Save the BLOB :)

So the DB peeps here have decided to lay the Oracle BLOB on me... woo hoo.

Anyway, I figured out that you have to use CFQUERYPARAM to get the data in.

ex:<cfqueryparam value="#Binarydecode(TextAreaContent,"Base64")#"

Though I'm not sure if the funtion is correct, it doesn't error out like it
would without it.

Then I use this to display the content from the DB on the page:

Only problem I'm having is that the resulting string is missing all of the

Ex: I save the string: "Run this test and see if it works all perty."

When pulling it out of the DB using the function above I get:

Has anyone dealt with this before?

Thanks for your time - 


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