Another way to identify what goes where is to follow the natural 
MVC boundaries: Model = Java, View = CF, Controller = either, but 
probably CF. IMHO, that allows each language to play to its 
strengths. I followed this division of labor in a Mach-II app and 
it worked great. But as Denny pointed out, it might not be so 
great for the client. The next developer that picks up the app 
will need to know both CF and Java.

Dave Jones

At 06:56 PM 8/25/2006, you wrote:
>Another consideration, besides the "optimization" (*grin*), is
>This is one I struggle with constantly, in my mind.
>I can't help but use some of the nifty stuff that's out there.  Maybe it's
>cuz I need it fast or portable (, or there's a java wheel I need.  ;-)
>Maybe it's reactor cuz I need to be more organized.  Or MG, FB- At any
>Who in the hell is going to take over for me when I'm gone?  What if I
>suddenly got squished by a 200 story stay-puff marshmallow man?
>Seriously, I'm leveraging all kinds of knowledge to get what I need done,
>and really, how much of that is someone else (who's willing to work at the
>pay level) gonna know?  When app X breaks, but it's some weird linux
>hack job and dev Y don't know linuz... alias file? imap? ldap? WTF!?!
>In my case it's really bad, but in general, I could still see this as an
>So you code away in FB, great that's just great, but the next programmer
>to get your code doesn't know FB.  Or any framework.  And is expected
>to maintain it.  Ouch! Time to learn...  but if you knew that was going to
>be the case ahead of time... should you still use all the "good stuff"?
>E.g.: you do a bunch of nifty java stuff via CF.  Can the next guy?
>Maybe that shouldn't be up to us, as coders.  That's more of a command
>decision, I guess- but as a lot of CFers are also commanders... eh.
>Just randomness... only loosely related to the orig. question. I think. =]
>On 8/25/06, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Ian, thanks for your input.
> > >
> > > Here's another question.
> > >
> > > what if CF can do (A), Java can do (A)
> > >
> > > Is there any advantage to Java doing (A) over CF?
> >
> > I always hear Java is better at heavy processing (like major number
> > crucnhing)
> > than CF is.
> >
> > Java has built-in packages that allow things like image metrics and
> > manipulation....that's why most image manip CFCs these days use Java.
> >
> > FYI this could be a long list.....and one full of opinions instead of hard
> > facts
> > ;-)
> >
> > Cheers
> >

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