Or use the Flash 8 multiple upload capability - very nifty.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Bobby Hartsfield
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sat Aug 26 03:23:54 2006
Subject: RE: Uploading X number of photos at one time?

Paste all of this in a .html file and run it. Click the [Add another Image
Uploader] link to add more fields. I would of course limit this to a maximum
number of images at once. (way less than 10) To upload multiple images at
one time without worrying about timeouts youll have to look into something
like ActiveX controls

function addFieldSet()

                //Increment the field counter
                thisInc = Number(document.imgform.fldCount.value) + 1;
                document.imgform.fldCount.value = thisInc;

                //Build the div container
                divCont = document.createElement('DIV');
                divCont.id = 'img' + thisInc;
                divCont.style.borderStyle = 'solid';
                divCont.style.borderWidth = '1px';
                divCont.style.borderColor = '000000';

                //Build the table element
                thisTable = document.createElement('TABLE');
                thisTable.border = '0';
                thisTable.cellPadding = '5';
                thisTable.cellSpacing = '0';
                thisTable.width = '100%';

                //Build the first row of the table
                Row1 = document.createElement('TR');
                //Build column 1 of the first row
                Row1Col1 = document.createElement('TD');
                Row1Col1.innerHTML = 'Image File:';

                //Buld column 2 of row 1
                Row1Col2 = document.createElement('TD');

                //Build the file field
                fileFld = document.createElement('INPUT');
                fileFld.type = 'file';
                fileFld.name = 'imagefile' + thisInc;
                fileFld.size = '40';

                //Build a span tag to hold some text and a line break just
after the file field
                thisSpan1 = document.createElement('SPAN');
                thisSpan1.innerHTML = '<br>valid formats: jpg, jpeg, pjpeg,

                //Put the file field and text in the column

                //Go ahead and put the first row all together.

                //Build the second row
                Row2 = document.createElement('TR');

                //Build the columns just as before but (of course) with
different text and a textarea field
                Row2Col1 = document.createElement('TD');
                Row2Col1.vAlign = 'top';
                Row2Col1.innerHTML = 'Cutline:';

                //Build column 2 of row 2
                Row2Col2 = document.createElement('TD');
                Row2Col2.vAlign = 'top';

                //build the text area
                txtArea = document.createElement('TEXTAREA');
                txtArea.name = 'cutline' + thisInc;
                txtArea.cols = '40';
                txtArea.rows = '2';

                //Add the textarea to column 2 of row 2

                //Add the columns to the row

                //Create t tbody to hold the table content
                thisTbody = document.createElement('TBODY');

                //Add the rows to the table

                //Add the TBODY to the table

                //Now add the table to the div

                //Finally, add the div to the main div container

                //And add a line break after the div


<form name="imgform" action="index.cfm?action=upimgs&imgid=0" method="post"
enctype="multipart/form-data" style="display:inline; ">
<input type="hidden" name="fldCount" value="1" />
<div id="FormFieldContainer">

        <div align="right"><a href="javascript:void(0);"
onClick="addFieldSet();return false;">[Add Another Image Uploader]</a></div>

        <div id="img1" style="background:#ececec;border:1px solid #000000;">
                <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
                                <td>Image File: </td>

                                <input type="file" name="imagefile1"
                                valid formats: jpg, jpeg, pjpeg, gif
                                <td valign="top">Cutline: </td>
                                <td><textarea name="cutline1" cols="40"


<div style="background:#ececec;border:1px solid #000000;padding:3px;">
<input type="submit" name="Uploadimg" value="Upload Image">

Bobby Hartsfield



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