Yeah, this is known I think - cf7 uses iText, as does cfx_pdf - you get
errors when trying to run them together as cfx_pdf packages it's on library
of iText functions.

I am sure there are fixes out there - have a Google!

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-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Knudsen
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Mon Aug 28 15:51:00 2006
Subject: cfx_pdf and cf7?

ok, just upgraded to cf7 finally.  Yeah, big corp stuff.  Anyhoo, one app we
have uses cfx_pdf.  Somehow testing this one piece got missed in testing b4
the upgrade, oops.  I can't seem to get cfx_pdf to work.  I know CF7 has pdf
tools now, but that may take a few days to convert.  Any ideas?

*Diagnostics: Error processing CFX custom tag "CFX_CFX_PDF". The CFX custom
tag "CFX_CFX_PDF" was not found in the custom tag database. Please be sure
to add custom tags to the database before using them. If you have added your
tag to the database then you should check the spelling of the tag within
your template to insure that it matches the database entry.
The error occurred on line 29.

yes, the JARs are in the class path, I can see them in the system
information.  Funny thing I can't enter the path to the class in teh cfx
registration area in cfadmin, the cfadmin tool will not let me, just ignores

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

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