Put your cfcookie after the flash. Else it will always be 1 when you get 
to the flash.

<cfparam name="COOKIE.previousvisitor" default="0">


<cfif COOKIE.previousvisitor IS 0>
        <cfcookie name="previousvisitor" value="1" expires="100">

Andy Matthews wrote:
> There's a flash video on the front page of my company website. The boss
> wants it to play straight off the first time you visit, then go to a still
> frame with a play button the second (and any time afterwards).
> So I thought to myself, cfcookie would be a great idea. I've got this code
> at the top of the page:
> <cfparam name="COOKIE.previousvisitor" default="0">
> <cfif COOKIE.previousvisitor IS 0>
>       <cfcookie name="previousvisitor" value="1" expires="100">
> </cfif>
> Then, I output the value of the cookie and dump it into the Flash movie like
> so:
> fo.addVariable("previousvisitor",
> "<cfoutput>#COOKIE.previousvisitor#</cfoutput>");
> The problem is that it's not working. In FF, I clear ALL of my private data
> (including cookies), but when I reload the page the video is still stuck on
> the still frame. It's not the Flash because it's outputting 1 into the movie
> instead of 0.
> What am I doing wrong?
> <!----------------//------
> andy matthews
> web developer
> certified advanced coldfusion programmer
> ICGLink, Inc.
> 615.370.1530 x737
> --------------//--------->

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