Russ wrote:
> Did you specifically limit sql server to use 1 cpu?


> Are you using a version of SQL server that only supports 1 cpu such as Sql
> 2005 express.  


Actually I was showing the combined graph, which only shows the average 
of the "4" CPUs.  When I switched to the multiple graphs, I could see 
that the CPU usage for individual CPUs was actually going well higher 
than 25%... sometimes as high as 80%.

> It's possible that the tasks you're doing are not able to run multithreaded
> (i.e. only 1 thread can read 8 gigs of stuff into memory, insert into table,
> etc..).  If you split up the files and run separate transactions (If
> possible), you might be able to speed up the task and achieve greater cpu
> utilization. 

Yeah, I actuall have 57 files, the largest of which is about 800MB.  The 
process does run multiple threads at the same time, it tends to be 
running 5 different steps in the DTS package at any given time, while 
the rest of them are listed as "Waiting..."

I did have some pretty severe fragmentation, but thanks to diskeeper (a 
recent purchase) that's not a problem anymore =)

At any rate, my original questino about CPU maxing at 25% is no longer 
valid because it was not correct.  Now i'm just trying to figure out if 
I can import 3.7GB of data faster than 40 minutes.


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