You can try to bunce the class off the hard drive with a new ID

your old1_5.jws file

public class old1_5 extends new1_4_2 implements {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1820017752578914078L;


Assuming its just saved as 1.5 and does not use newer java classes

On 9/12/06, krish P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Dave Watts wrote:
> >>> I have java 1.4.2 and i want to update for 1.5.0. Does any
> >>> one know full instrunction step by step for updating java lib?
> >>
> >> 1. Don't. CF doesn't support 1.5.
> >
> >QFT.
> >
> >(Quoted For Truth)
> >
> >"What he said"
> >
> >"ditto"
> i want to use the java classes in coldfusion but there is slight problem
> here. In order to use the java classes i have to upgrade the java lib to
> 1.5.0 because the class i am looking for its not supported by java lib
> 1.4.2.So let me know if you have any solution to this problem.

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