On 9/12/06, Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone actually run X-Windows on a production server?  I've found it to
> be very unstable, and in general you shouldn't run X on a production web
> server.

I used to find X-Windows unstable... heck, just getting it to start up was a
major PITA if you were on anything but the most tested/common of set-ups.

Not to mention you could blow out your monitor, or various other bits
of hardware while getting it set up...

Quite a bit has changed since then.  SuSE & RH for instance, default
to using a windowed
environ now(generally).  It's worked out of the box on 90% of the
systems I've installed them on.

But X-Windows has been used /for years/ on production servers, it is
probably the de facto for "remote desktop" linux.  It was designed to
be used remotely, which is more than you could say for windows, /for
years/. =]

I think the main issue now is not stability so much as security.  That
said, GUIs take up a good bit of resources, I'd figure.  That's always
a concern, I reckon, on a dedicated server.

But I knew lots of places that gave remote X access as part of the
deal, and some of our servers are running it, with no problems, for
months (years, if we didn't have power failures) at a time.  It's
pretty hard to manage that with windows boxes, and GUI is the only
option there.

I've been on a CF kick for a bit, so my info is old, but I'm pretty
sure you'd find production servers running X, or virtual servers
running X, in many places.  Be sure you got that forwarding set up
right though, is probably the most important part.  They finally
defaulted to turning the X-windows forwarding off on fresh installs,
It is a security concern.

But I gotta give mad props to the X-windows folks, it has /really/
come a long way.  *nix GUI isn't the black pit of hell it was back in
the day.

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