On 9/13/06, Brad Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Man, I wish I had requirements that good BEFORE the project started at
> my job. Our motto here is "You get to work on it, we'll go find out what
> they want."  :)

Preach on, brother!

The ironic part is that we've been more successful at launching because
we jump in, and have the users jump in, before we wait to figure out
what it is we're doing.  Just having something there, even if it's not in
shape way or form similar to what will be there in the end, seems to
motivate. Self-motivate, even.

To an extent of course, but still.

If you wait for people to figure out what they want, you'll wait forever.
If you start firing (tat tat tat tat), they at least usually get what they

But it is a process.  A living process.

Don't get me wrong, a plan is essential, but the Art of War hit it on the
head, A plan is just a plan, nothing in and of itself.  Sorta.  Flow like
water, esse. Flow.

Armies might be able to flow, but I think it would take a great general.

Or maybe lots of great soldiers, now that I think about it.  Yeah, that's
probably essential-er.  Freedom in conformity, or some other equally
oxymoronic statement.

Woot. Guess I should get back to work.

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