Another hopefully quick one.

This report takes forever, that's just something that can't be changed :(

I would like to display a now loading/progress bar or something.

Any ideas?  I tried this without success:

        Please wait while your report is generated.


<cfsavecontent variable="myReport">
        <table style="width : 100%">
                        <th colspan="7">
                                <b>Organizational Report</b>
                <cfif not len(trim(session.filter.parNo))>
                        <cfset session.filter.parNo = 0>
                <cf_organizationalreport level="1"
ccnum_macom="#session.filter.ccnum_macom#" pas_nr="#session.filter.parNo#">

        <cfdocument filename="#orgReport.pdf" format="PDF" >

<cflocation url="orgReport.pdf">

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Casey Dougall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 1:33 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Adding columns to the top of ervy page in cfreport
> > I'm generating a PDF report using cfdocument.  I would like to have
> column
> > headers on each page of the report.  How would one do that?
> >
> <cfdocumentitem type="header"> Header Cells</cfdocumentitem>
> There might be a space generated though between the header and your
> table columns. but if you can guarantee the width of the columns this
> might work.
> --
> Casey

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