On 9/16/06, Doug Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just found this nifty little open source text editor, if there is someone
out there that does

An excellent editor!  Especially if you work with different languages.

You can configure just about everything when you instantiate it; I like to
disable everything
in the main config file, and enable anything I need at runtime, so to speak.

Below you'll find examples of configuring the main options you'd like to
(the toolbar sets are configured in my customConfig.cfm file.  All relative
are from where the editor is installed (in this case, /fckeditor ):

                fckEditor = createObject("component",
                fckEditor.instanceName    = "pageText";
                fckEditor.value            = '#getPage.pagetext#';
                fckEditor.basePath        = "/srvinc/fckeditor/";
                fckEditor.width            = "100%";
                fckEditor.height        = 500;
                fckEditor.config["CustomConfigurationsPath"] =
                fckEditor.config["BaseHref"] = "
                fckEditor.config["Debug"] = true;
                fckEditor.config["LinkBrowser"] = true ;
                fckEditor.config["LinkBrowserURL"] =
"/custombrow/browser.html?Connector=/custombrow/connectorDB.cfm" ;
                fckEditor.config["LinkBrowserWindowWidth"] = 'screen.width *
0.7'; // 70%
                fckEditor.config["LinkBrowserWindowHeight"] = 'screen.height*
0.7'; // 70%
                fckEditor.config["SkinPath"] = fckEditor["basePath"] &
'editor/skins/office2003/' ;
                fckEditor.config["FontNames"]    = 'Arial;Comic Sans
MS;Courier New;Tahoma;Times New Roman;Verdana;' ;
                fckEditor.config["EditorAreaCSS"] = '/siteincludes/css.cfm'
                fckEditor.toolBarSet = 'editden';
                fckEditor.config["ToolbarCanCollapse"] = false;
                fckEditor.create(); // create the editor.

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