> Anyone have a good solution to have the header row of a table stay 
> where it is and make the data in the table scroll?
> Kind of like Excel... if you freeze panes you can make the header row 
> with the column descriptions stay on the page, but you can scroll down 
> into the data.
> I am trying to use DIVs with tables inside and CSS overflow:scroll; 
> turned on, but getting the header row/table to be the same width and 
> spacing as the data is proving to be difficult.

Try this one:


Its about the best one I've run across so far, and the simplest to implement. 
You include the javascript library, give the table an id and a class (i.e., 
class = "sortable"), and that's it. You click on the table headers and they 
sort the table rows by that column, ascending or descending.



Larry C. Lyons
Web Analyst
BEI Resources
American Type Culture Collection
email: llyons(at)atcc(dot)org
tel: 703.365.2700.2678

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