One of the problems with gateways is that they operate in a different 
'space' than a standard CF application and if an error is thrown, the site 
wide error handler does not handle it. What I do is have a separate gateway 
directory with my gateways in it (actually gateway stubs) along with an 
application.cfc. The onError method will send me an email dump of any error 
the gateway may have.

<CFFUNCTION name="onError" returntype="void" output="0">
  <CFARGUMENT name="exception"
  <CFARGUMENT name="eventname">

subject="Error (#CGI.HTTP_Host#): Gateway Services" type="HTML">
   <CFDUMP var="#exception#" label="exception"><br>
   <CFDUMP var="#variables#" label="variables"><br>
   <CFDUMP var="#cgi#" label="cgi"><br>
   <CFDUMP var="#application#" label="application"><br>

This works VERY well for me and should get you right to the problem, which 
is probably a CFC issue.

>I took the examples I've found and made a cfc that watches a directory
> for changes. I then tried to start my new gateway and it fails. I
> looked in the logs and I cant find any real error message. Just that
> it tried to start it. I tried to start the ones that came with MX7 and
> those fail to start too.
> Could this be a permissions issue?
> On 9/19/06, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What issues are you having?
>> >I'm trying to do a basic directory watcher but I'm not having much
>> >luck. Can some one point me to a good tutorial for this?
>> >
>> >Thanks
>> >
>> >--
>> >Phil

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