If a checkbox is not checked, it doesn't exist in the form scope when
submitted, so you'll need to handle that, e.g. 

<cfif isDefined('form.myCheckbox')>
        use the checkbox
        Something else

Note that this is different behavior from most other fields, where even
if it has no value, the field still exists in the form scope with a
blank value. With checkboxes, if there is no check, there is no field. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Web Master [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:56 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: How to check the status of a checkbox in a array
> I am creating an array of records in a single query.
> I want the user to be able to select the records the wish to update,
> the new values for each record they with to update, then update.
> I have my form which diplayes the infomation with the folloing
> There may be one record for one customers and five records for
> If I check all of the checkboxes it works fine, If I don't I get this
> error.
> This information is going into a holding database to be verified befor
> update takes place. That is the reason I am useing insert statments
> instead of update statments.
> Element fld_bussPurpChange_2 is undefined in a Java object of type
> coldfusion.filter.FormScope referenced as
> Here is my code
> Form.
> <cfinput type="checkbox"
> name="fld_bussPurpChange_#oracle_cust_bussPurp.currentrow#"
value="Yes" />
> Action.
> <cfloop from="1" to="#form.bussPurpRecords#" index="ii">
>   <cfset variables.fld_bussPurpChange =
>   <cfset variables.SITE_USE_ID = form["fld_SITE_USE_ID_"&ii]/>
>   <cfset variables.SITE_USE_CODE = form["fld_SITE_USE_CODE_"&ii]/>
>   <cfset variables.LOCATION = form["fld_LOCATION_"&ii]/>
>   <cfset variables.TAX_REFERENCE = form["fld_TAX_REFERENCE_"&ii]/>
>   <cfset variables.TAX_CODE = form["fld_TAX_CODE_"&ii]/>
>   <cfset variables.PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID =
> form["fld_PRIMARY_SALESREP_"&ii]/>
>   <cfset variables.SHIP_PARTIAL = form["fld_SHIP_PARTIAL_"&ii]/>
>   <cfset variables.FREIGHT_TERM = form["fld_FREIGHT_TERM_"&ii]/>
>   <cfset variables.PRICE_LIST_ID = form["fld_PRICE_LIST_ID_"&ii]/>
>   <cfset variables.WAREHOUSE_ID = form["fld_WAREHOUSE_ID_"&ii]/>
> <cfif variables.fld_bussPurpChange EQ "Yes">
>   <!--- Update this product with the new id --->
>   <cfquery name="insertSiteUseinfo" datasource="cust_profile">
>          (SITE_USE_ID,
>               FORM_REQUEST_ID,
>               NEW_OLD,
>               SITE_USE_CODE,
>               ADDRESS_ID,
>               LOCATION,
>               TAX_REFERENCE,
>               TAX_CODE,
>               PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID,
>               SHIP_PARTIAL,
>               FREIGHT_TERM,
>               PRICE_LIST_ID,
>               WAREHOUSE_ID)
>        VALUES
>          ('#(variables.SITE_USE_ID)#',
>               '#(getRequestNo.New_req_num)+1#',
>               'New',
>               '#(variables.SITE_USE_CODE)#',
>               '#form.fld_ADDRESS_ID#',
>               '#(variables.LOCATION)#',
>               '#(variables.TAX_REFERENCE)#',
>               '#(variables.TAX_CODE)#',
>               '#(variables.PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID)#',
>               '#(variables.SHIP_PARTIAL)#',
>               '#(variables.FREIGHT_TERM)#',
>               '#(variables.PRICE_LIST_ID)#',
>               '#(variables.WAREHOUSE_ID)#')
>   </cfquery>
> </cfif>
> </cfloop>
> Thank you,
> Keith

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