Take a look a la google for "Flash Remoting Datagrid example".
What version of Flash are you using?


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 12:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: XML tour dates in Flash along with "click for more details". 

I have an performance artist website that I'm building. She would like tour
dates to be pulled into Flash, and appear like so:

DATE            TIME    LOCATION                DETAILS
9-21-2006       7pm     your concert hall               click for details
10-01-2006      8pm     local club                      click for details
9-21-2006       7pm     your concert hall               click for details
9-21-2006       7pm     your concert hall               click for details

I've got an FLA that almost does this. But what it does is to create a
single movie clip for each line, then you click that line to "view details".
The problem is that FLA uses a fixed number of buttons and a isn't set up
for the main list to scroll.

So I need to display the XML data along with a click for more button that
simply hides the XML list and shows the details for the selected event. When
the user has satisfied their curiousity, they can close the details and go
back to the list.

Does anyone have something like this or have a link to a tutorial that would
show me how to achieve this?

andy matthews
web developer
certified advanced coldfusion programmer
ICGLink, Inc.
615.370.1530 x737

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