Thanks Guys, that is some excellent info to keep in mind.

(and that I sometimes forget to think about (e.g. worked fine in
dev mode, how come it's all squirrly now?!?! ;)).

Yet I went with the "thread safe" ajax stuff at first... just cuz...
how haphazard of me. =P

I vow to become a more aware coder.  Vow it I say!

On 10/2/06, Barney Boisvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The container takes care of the majority of threading issues for you;
> only when multiple requests access the same data (i.e. session or
> application scope) does threading matter to the application developer.
> If you have request-level data, concurrency isn't be a concern unless
> you're explicitly multithreading your request.
> Note that instance variables of shared-scope CFC's count as
> cross-request data, but local variables inside CFC methods (including
> arguments) do not.
> cheers,
> barneyb
> On 10/1/06, Mark Mandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Your probably better off with a java.util.Hashtable, as it is already
> > syncronised (thread safe), and more often than not, where are using
> > Hashtables in a web environment, they need to be thread safe.
> >
> > That being said, java.util.Collections gives you some easy to use
> > utilities to create synchronised Maps very easily.
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Mark

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